Monitoring of the snow cover with a ground-based synthetic aperture radar
Alberto Martinez-Vazquez, Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch and Urs Gruber
The feasibility of retrieving changes in the depth of snow cover by means of the
LISA (LInear SAR) Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar system has been
investigated. The LISA instrument consists of a computer-controlled sledge
moving along a linear axis 5 m long, a set of transmit and receive
antennas, a network analyzer, and a C-Band amplifier. All the equipment is
installed inside a temperature controlled container. The centre frequency used
in the measurement campaign is 5.83 GHz (C-band), with a 60 MHz bandwidth. The
resolution of a single SAR image is in the order of 6 m in azimuth and 2.5 m in
range, while in the interferometric mode, the range resolution in the coherence
images is below 2 mm in the line-of-sight direction. Typical image products of
LISA are similar to those of space or aerial radar missions. The only
particularity of LISA is that the image covers a much smaller area (a few
square km). However, it has the advantage of providing images at a much larger
acquisition rate (about some tens in a single day). Over several weeks this
amounts to a very large time-series of radar images that gives the opportunity
to assess the feasibility of using a GB-SAR (Ground Based Synthetic Aperture
Radar) system to monitor structural changes of the snow cover. The availability
of a sensor network and meteo stations on the slope gives the possibility of
validating the retrieval scheme.
The retrieval techniques that are going to be assessed will be those
previously developed for space-borne and air-borne SAR imagery. The two
principal indicators of the structural changes in the snow cover are the
interferometric phase and the coherence. Using the data acquired by the ground
sensors, an inversion scheme to monitor the snow cover depth has been
calibrated with available ground-truth data for various temporal windows
spanning a few days. The results prove the linear relationship between the
interferometric phase and the snow depth when the acquisition conditions permit
a high coherence, confirming the potential use of a GB-SAR system to monitor
the snow cover.